Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Not Irish But Kiss Me Anyways: Featuring BoWillow for ATP and MoMo

:What Ellie's Wearing:
Outfit: Old Outfit - Previously blogged (click here to see
Bow Tie: :BoWillow: March Clover Bow Tie (texture/color change) @ ~ATP Events (March) ~
Headband: :BoWillow: March Clover Headband - Basics ~ATP Events (March) ~
^^^ Each headband comes with six color options and there are 2 styles BASICS and COLORS also the bow tie has a color change menu and options for light or dark clovers. They are all copy, mod, no trans so that people can easily resize them^^^
Sneakers: {momo} Wing Light Sneakers (kawaii Limited Edition)
^^^ The Light up sneakers were Exclusive to the (Feb 2017) Thimble Event, normal prints are available at {momo} Mainstore^^^