Friday, March 10, 2017

Featuring: {MoMo}, Foreign @ 99 Event, BoWillow, BoOgErS, Boomerang, Hectik Designs

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:What Ellie's Wearing:
Shirt[F] Holey Shirt [White] @ :99 Event - Taxi:
Pants: :BoWillow: Worn Sweats Black (Baby)
Hat[F] Denim Cap W/Puff Ball [Grey] [Patched] @ :99 Event - Taxi:
Backpack①xin: MP / XIAJ / Elephant Bag (grey) @ :Kustom9:
Kicks: {momo} Wing Light Sneakers (Limited Edition) - Black
Watch: [Commoner] TidBit Band / Teal - :March 2017 Arcade - Taxi:
Holding: <:*BoOgErS*:> Bearito Becky :March 2017 Arcade - Taxi:
Strolling: <:*BoOgErS*:> Baby Buggy Bear Boy RARE :March 2017 Arcade - Taxi:
Various: <:*BoOgErS*:> (decor) :March 2017 Arcade - Taxi:
BedBoomerang  Flower Bed - Mesh by Hectik Designs
*anything not listed, has likely been previous blogged*
*Click HERE to go to My Blog*
"Oh and don't forget to click the binky on the boogers bears!"
Watch the short clip below to see it in action!