Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Featuring: Glitter Junkie for ATP and Much More!

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:What Ellie's Wearing:
Outfit: Glitter Junkie - Quack Attack Jammies Blue ~RARE @ ATP Event-FEB
(outfit for the entire family, see AD below)
Bouncy: Glitter Junkie - Totally Quackers Bouncer  *Rubber Duckie* (see AD below)
Hair: Blues. Vanessa ((&)) .Blue Olive. the Pumpkin Bangs # 6 - (gacha)
Accessories: What the Duck Dance (duck on head)
Head: *TD* MP Bento Mesh Head #Alice - Head
Body: *TD* MP BABY (ToddleeDoo) {Custom Shape}
:Pose: Ch'Know Poses: Snuggle Up! - (for 2 kids, mommy edited it for us/bed snuggle)
~Zo Awesum Poses~ (MP) or (Taxi): Duck - (with 2 sit animations / see below)
<:*BoOgErS*:> Poor Abandoned Bear
:Potomac Signature Homes-MP: Lakeside Bedroom Set
*Bokeh-MP* - Elvis Bubble Machine 'yellow ducky' (really blows bubbles)
*DBF* Stuffed animal with cuddle animations - duck (mesh)
~Zo Awesum~ Poses (duck includes 2 animations: sit/lay)

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