Friday, March 3, 2017

Featuring MoMo SS and Unicorn Cupcake (ATP & Once Upon a Child Events)

♥ Click Images for Larger Photos ♥

:What Ellie's Wearing: 
Top: :UC: Mainstore Little Queen Top B :UC: @ ATP Event
Pants: :UC: Mainstore Little Queen Bottoms B
Crown: { Bellybean } Mainstore Cerulean Play Crown {Designed for LPA}
Ring: (Yummy) Carolyn Crown - Colorful
Hair: :Blues. & Dream: Cajsa no Hat {unrigged}
*{SS}* Mainstore So Silly Fantasy Music Box: Canon in D Major RARE *{SS}* @ ATP Event
     ^^^ (plays music, dances & pretty light show - pls see video) ^^^
*AR* Mainstore - Macarons
[BunBun] Mainstore DayDream - Study Break
[BunBun] Mainstore PandaBear Mug - Deco
MishMish: Mainstore - My Desk Mailbox w/letters (Mint)
MishMish: Mainstore - Kitties go to market - Computer RARE
[HD]: MP Route 66 Loved Mesh Frames
Below are 2 versions of videos showcasing the music box, using different WL lighting settings.  
It's quite beautiful and also soothing and relaxing. 
Recorded on Ultra but may lose some quality in the video edit/processing.