My God-Bro and I decided to share our love, peace and swaggyness with you all. Ain’t he just the cutest little stud? Hehehe, well don’t get excited he’s not old enough to date or has girlfriends. {ewww}. Besides I’m way cuter and nope, no boyfriends for me either {yuck, boys has cooties}
Oh right back to the details you came here for, you can find these cute sweaters by BoWillow at the current round of Tous Les Enfants. Price is 99L per pack which includes 2 styles and has baby & kid sizes. Tous Les Enfants is an event for ALL age kids from TD - Regular Kid, the event showcases new items from a wide range of designers, and runs from the 25th every month to the 15th of the next month.
What Her Wearing:
: *Dura-Girl*41(Sienna)resize
: :BoWillow: Love Sweatshirt - Love (B)
: FLite. A-Solo Snow Boots Volt
What Him Wearing:
: *Dura-BoyS&Girls*25(Dark Brown)resize
: :BoWillow: Love Sweatshirt - Stud (B)
: FLite. A-Solo Snow Boots L Cement
: {ud} Compass Eyes [dark grey] (large)