Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Ello Beautiful - Featuring LaZo and Tiny Trinkets for the Hello Beautiful Event

LaZo and Tiny Trinkets for the Hello Beautiful Event

 What Ellie's Wearing:
{Tiny.Trinkets} Hello Beautiful Event / Open Theme: Seeing Double (twins)
{T.T}Glam summer hat polka
{T.T}Glam summer hat stripes
{Taxi to Hello Beautiful Event}
Opens on July 5th * Closes on July 25th 
(items listed above at Hello Beautiful

{Tiny.Trinkets} Mainstore items
{T.T}Belle purse (old) GROUP GIFT 
{T.T} Mulan Flower -Pack- ADD/wear ME TO UNPACK
Includes the following items:
{T.T} Mulan Lotus glasses -resizer-
{T.T}Lotus flower HUD
{T.T}Mulan Flower Nails -HUD-
{T.T}Mulan Lotus flower -resizer-

Turducken {Taxi - NEW Turducken ToddleeDoo Mainstore}
Ruffle Gladiator Sandals - White (box) ToddleeDoo 

Outfit: ~LaZo~
~LaZo~ Xhalia Dress - 12 Color FATPACK
~LaZo TaXi~

12 colors to choose from